Inner journey

Define what Play means to you!

If you’ve been out of the habit of playing, it can feel daunting or overwhelming knowing where to start . What is play, anyway? What I define as play might look entirely different to what you like. That’s ok! Defining play and finding ways to have fun is a personal and unique experience for each

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hands forming a heart

Fall In Love With Yourself

Once you discover how to fall in love with yourself, you can’t help but treat yourself with respect and thoughtfulness. While seeking love, many people tend to look outward rather than inward. Yet falling in love with yourself can be just as wonderful an experience as falling in love with someone else. While the idea

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Start Where You Are

What do I mean by Start Where You Are (SWYA)? When asked by people how I changed my life, I would say that I embraced the messiness and began. I didn’t wait for things to be perfect or for x, y and z to be in place. I started where I was and explained how

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pink cup yay with sprinkles on a background wall

Pause & Celebrate

If you have been reading my blog you will know I have been working on my health and wellbeing over the last 15 months. I thought it was timely to pause and review how far I have come from this time last year.  Celebrate  I remember when I first started at the end of Feb

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