Reconnect This Winter: Soul Treasure Map Workshop Wellington 2024

Winter’s quiet stillness can often mirror a feeling of being lost within ourselves. The days grow shorter, the world seems quieter, and we naturally turn inwards. Have you ever felt lost in the daily grind, unsure of your true desires and purpose? You’re not alone. Many of us struggle with a lack of clarity, feeling disconnected from our inner wisdom and aspirations.

winter flatlay

In this blog post, I’ll be sharing my unique Soul Treasure Map process, a transformative experience designed to help you reconnect with your authentic self and rediscover your deepest desires. This workshop is particularly fitting for winter. It offers a perfect creative outlet for those cosy winter nights in, a way to use introspection during the shorter days, and a chance to cultivate a sense of calm and focus amidst the winter chill.

winter image of landscape snow on the ground and trees with a body of water

My own journey to creating this process began in 2020. Feeling a deep disconnect from myself, I craved a way to tap into my intuition and explore the hidden desires buried within. That’s when I discovered the magic of collage as a powerful tool for self-transformation, and over time, I developed this process to guide others on a similar journey of self-discovery.

me sitting at table with glue, scissors and paper and magazines and images looking through images to create a soul treasure map

Perhaps you’ve experienced some of these feelings too:

  • Lack of clarity in your desires and goals
  • Difficulty understanding your inner world
  • Feeling out of touch with your intuition
  • Difficulty prioritising your own growth
  • Yearning for a sense of purpose and meaning
  • My Soul Treasure Map process addresses these very issues, offering a creative and insightful path to self-transformation.

a completed soul treasure map that my intuition called me to stick onto paper

My Soul Treasure Map addresses these very issues, offering a creative and insightful path to self discovery and transformation.

Unleash Your Inner Artist: Explore Your Desires Through Collage:

The Soul Treasure Map process itself uses collage as a deep, meditative, and transformative practice. Let your intuition be your guide as you select images and words that resonate deeply with you. Whether it’s a captivating travel destination, a powerful quote, or a symbol that sparks a forgotten memory, embrace the power of visual storytelling to unlock your inner wisdom.

Here’s what you can expect during the Soul Treasure Map Workshop:
  • Tap into your intuition: Explore your subconscious mind through visual exploration with collage.
  • Gain clarity on your desires: Uncover hidden patterns and insights that reveal your true aspirations, goals, and values.
  • Enhanced self-awareness: Gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your desires.

soul treasure map workshop a pile of images that a workshop member may sift through

The workshop includes:
  • A short grounding meditation to help you centre yourself.
  • Step-by-step guidance through the Soul Treasure Map creation process, where I’ll be there to support you every step of the way. All materials are provided, so you can simply relax and create.
  • Techniques to interpret your Soul Treasure Map and gain deeper insights into your desires.
  • A closing meditation to integrate your discoveries and leave feeling empowered.
  • You’ll depart with your completed Soul Treasure Map, a deeper understanding of yourself, and practical guidance on how to use your map over the next few weeks to propel you forward on your path.

woman browsing through magazines while sitting at a table symbolising one of the steps the participants will do in the soul treasure map workshop

The Soul Treasure Map Method empowers you to:
  • Embrace your authentic self: Make choices that resonate with your true desires and values.
  • Empower yourself: Take charge of your life and align with your authentic desires.
  • Navigate your path with purpose: Gain clarity and direction to pursue your dreams and goals.

Benefits You Can Experience:

  • Boosted self-awareness and introspection
  • Increased sense of calm and focus during winter months
  • Clarity and insight into your desires and aspirations
  • A visual representation of your inner world
  • Access your subconscious mind to uncover hidden desires
  • Enhanced mindfulness through creative exploration
  • Connect with like-minded individuals on a path of self-discovery
  • Leave with a tangible reminder of your goals and intentions
a close up of hands gluing an image to a piece of paper signifying the process in the soul treasure map workshop
Ready to Ignite Your Creativity and Unlock Your Deepest Desires?

Join me for the Winter Soul Treasure Map Workshop Series in Wellington on the following dates:
Thursday, June 13th, at 7:15pm at the Churton Park Community Centre.
Sunday, July 14th, at 1:30pm at the Churton Park Community Centre – Register for this date here.
Sunday, August 13th, at 1:30pm at the Churton Park Community Centre – Register for this date here.
During these 90-minute workshops, you’ll receive expert guidance and all the materials needed to create your Soul Treasure Map.

This workshop is for you if:
  • You’re yearning to reconnect with your true self.
  • You crave a deeper understanding of your desires and goals.
  • You’re seeking a creative outlet for self-exploration.
  • You’re ready to prioritise yourself and embark on a fulfilling journey.

Don’t wait any longer! Sign up today and start prioritising yourself. It’s time to fill your own cup!


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